3 Actors Hollywood Highest Paid


Hello loyal readers, if earlier Rank Sharing have posted about 3 Super Fast Cars Of The World Rankings. then, this time Rank Sharing will post an article about 3 Actors Hollywood Highest Paid.

1.Thomas Cruise Mapother IV



Who is not familiar with this handsome hollywood actor. besides he's proficient in acting,actor born in new york city is to rank first in the category with the highest-paid actor in the world.
Just imagine, tom cruise 75juta dolars paid between may 2011 and may 2012.

2.Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio



In order to rank-2 there is Leonardo DiCaprio. actor 38-year-old is well-known and successful in the world of international cinema through the film "Titanic." do not be surprised if in the period between may 2011 to may 2012 he is getting paid 38 million dollars.

3.Adam Richard Sandler



And won 3rd in the world in the arena of live hollywood movie by Adam Sandler. actor who has received a double platinum award twice this. managed to make his name shine. so, he's getting paid in the period between may 2011 to may 2012 as many as 37 million dollars.


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